About Us
ThunderLotus/DarkOmen is a multi-game clan that plays the ArcheAge and Secret World Legends MMOs.
Our focus is being a casual group of people and having fun gaming.
Our goals are to have fun, team together and be an active group.
We have no preference in time zones as we have members from multiple zones.
DarkOmen has been playing The Secret World Legends MMO since the beta and ArcheAge since the Alpha version. We still have a presence in the AION MMO as well.
DarkOmen/ThunderLotus was originally the SFI Clan. SFI evolved into using the DarkOmen name for The Secret World and ThunderLotus for ArcheAge.
We still use the SFI name for the Star Trek Eliteforce 2 game though we aren’t organized as a clan in that game anymore.